Carol Littleton, ACE

Carol Littleton, ACE


CAROL LITTLETON, ACE (Editor) is one of Hollywood’s most talented and successful film editors, with more than 35 feature films to her credit.  A Walk in the Woods is Littleton’s second collaboration with director Ken Kwapis.  When asked to join the crew, she leapt at the opportunity to work with Kwapis and with two of America’s most celebrated actors, Nick Nolte and Robert Redford.

Littleton has also been a long-time collaborator with Lawrence Kasdan on nine films, including Body HeatThe Big Chill and Silverado.  She has also collaborated with Jonathan Demme on five feature films.

Littleton received an Academy Award? nomination in 1982 for Steven

Spielberg’s E.T.: The Extraterrestrial.  Her other notable projects include Tuesdays with Morrie (Emmy Award for editing) and the restoration of Erich Von Stoheim’s 1926 classic, Greed.

Bill Bryon’s memoir, A Walk in the Woods, is a favorite of Carol’s, a long-time, lug-soled hiker, having walked the Camino de Santiago from Le Puyen-Velay, France to Santiago de Compostela, Spain.  What’s next?  The Appalachian Trail?

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